6/19: "蝴蝶","美麗時光"編導張作驥睽違五年之作,根據小道消息來源此片從坎城影展到正式上映之間遭到大量剪接(從近五小時的片長剪到剩大約兩小時 @@... 明明和"紅氣球"不一樣是部觀眾就算坐到屁股麻痺也不會喊疼的電影啊!!)。失望指數20,可能因為過度剪接的關係導致畫面太零碎,流暢度盡失,但蘭嶼的風景很美,感覺和冬天的墾丁一樣是個不像台灣的地方。對蘭嶼人而言,蝴蝶是往生者的靈魂,鏡頭屢屢帶到已不常見的蝴蝶在竹林裡漫天飛舞,是悲、是喜、是絕望、是希望、是解脫、還是另一個牢籠, 對於早已被故鄉所遺忘的一哲而言,似乎也不是那麼地重要了-- 好個魔幻寫實。儘管語言的複雜性從國、台、客變成國、台、英、日,儘管小偉和阿傑的換帖情誼被一哲對阿仁、父親和阿佩的複雜感情取代,不變的是社會的殘酷,不變的是那種現實中總是伴隨著解脫的悲涼的無奈,"美麗時光"的影子在"蝴蝶"中仍若隱若現。白女俠,我找不到令人震撼的那一幕的劇照(大概因為那畫面本身是大雷 XD),可是海報已經太氾濫,只好用這張了。
6/20: 不想唸書的一天,雖然一早就收到問晚上有沒有計劃的簡訊,但我還是推拒了晚餐與clubbing的邀約,自己跑去看電影;我喜歡的clubbing是單純藉著跳舞發洩任何快樂與不快樂的情緒,不是一邊"假裝"忘情的擺動身軀一邊用眼角偷瞄有沒有男生在注意妳。"舞力全開 (Step Up 2 The Streets)",是某部我還沒看過的街舞類型電影的第二集,場景從舞蹈教室搬上了尬舞的街頭。電影中利用許多不同類型的舞蹈技巧貫穿劇情,除了越來越耳熟能詳的popping, breaking, locking等街舞風格以外,還有芭蕾、踢躂舞、騷莎、甚至是花式跳繩等等。大雨中長達八分鐘的舞碼相當精采,有"Stomp"街舞版的感覺。失望指數30,雖然沒有任何沉悶的片段,但看到後來會讓人覺得有點矯情,為什麼街舞的角色設定總是以貧民窟長大的小孩為重心?就像本片中深藏不露的強咖Moose說的:"雖然我是白人,我沒有在街頭上長大,但誰憑什麼說因為這樣我就沒有資格跳街舞?"(台灣的舞團都在練假的嗎?)音樂配得很棒,收錄了很多嘻哈舞曲界的大將如T-Pain、Missy Elliot、安立奎等人的曲目,我從電影院出來後就馬上衝去買原聲帶了。
6/20: 因為看完"舞力全開"已經完全失去唸書的動力(XD),所以就跑去租了電眼美女鍾仙蒂狂推的"一路玩到掛 (The Bucket List)"的DVD回家和爸媽一起看。失望指數0,應該是今年至目前為止所看過最好看的好萊塢電影--劇情簡單卻極富巧思且感人,看兩大影帝Jack Nicholson與Morgan Freeman互飆演技相當過癮,以往不太會看這種溫馨輕喜劇的蘇爸爸還笑到飆淚。從高空跳傘到登上埃及金字塔、從品嚐法國魚子醬到俯瞰香港夜景,一名家境平凡卻飽讀詩書的黑手,和一名富可敵國卻不知人生除了賺錢還有沒有別的意義的企業家,本來互不搭嘎,卻因為罹患腦癌住同間病房而結為莫逆,最後骨灰還一起被葬在喜馬拉雅山上的麝香貓咖啡罐罐中,完成了清單上的最後一項:"behold a majestic view"。
目前分類:賞。一齣好戲 (16)
- Jun 23 Mon 2008 00:11
- Jun 01 Sun 2008 00:57
What a queen she is.
- May 11 Sun 2008 01:21
Lucky bastard.
The man who said "I'd rather be lucky than good" saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It's scary to think so much is out of one's control. There are moments in a match when the ball hits the top of the net, and for a split second, it can either go forward or fall back. With a little luck, it goes forward, and you win. Or maybe it doesn't, and you lose.
--Chris Wilton, “Match Point”
- Apr 05 Sat 2008 14:27
The Other Boleyn Girl

I first saw the novel in Elaine's room when I was in Vancouver last November. The book she had was in hardcover and didn't have the movie poster in the front, but being the Elizabethan fanatic that I am, I went to Chapters first chance I had and got a copy -- the paperback copy that had Natalie Portman (one of my favorite actresses, after Julia Roberts, level with Reese Witherspoon), Scarlett Johanssen and Eric Bana on the cover and made me impatient for the movie before I even read the book. I kept the novel beside my bed and could not tire of reading it, because fictional as the major (and lustful! XD) part of it may be, it was finally clear to me why there had been such a complicatedness of fighting for heirdom in that line of the Tudor monarchy.
I've forgotten why I came to be so interested in that part of British history, and that was even before I came back from the States. In our textbooks, there was a page at most on how Henry VIII turned against the Roman Church and established his own religion -- and all just to divorce his wives! -- but I had gone to the city library afterwards and poured over books on Queen Elizabeth I as if I were doing a term project. I had been intrigued by not just the heir's staggering road to queenhood but also her mother's extraordinary ambition that eventually lead to her going down in history as the first beheaded queen of England, which was the foundation for "The Other Boleyn Girl."
I went and saw the media screening last Tuesday, and was, truthfully, disappointed, as is usually the case with adapted screenplays ("The Kite Runner" in exception). The local box office this weekend and online discussion boards have applauded the movie, but in my opinion, the entire story was adapted in a way worse than the Harry Potter movies although I knew that to be loyal to the original script would have produced a 5-hour long film, but not even the impressive performance of Natalie Portman as the evil yet sympathy-drawing Anne Boleyn could save the cheesy ending which caused me to dislocate my jaw. @@ They always say that a picture speaks for a thousand words, but I guess the intensity that could be built up in a 300-page novel leaked out when transformed into a 110-minute motion picture.
The mechanism of the story was drawn on ambition and lust but the movie delivered neither. Mary played by Scarlett Johanssen was too smart, Eric Bana's Henry too driven than driving (he's the king of England, for God's sake!), Anne suddenly turned virtuous towards the end (example: when she gave birth to Elizabeth she ought to have turned away from the baby and said coldly: "A girl? What good is a girl to us?", but in the movie she cried and doted on the baby like any mother, which was touching but should not have been), the Howard family too kind when they were supposed to have nothing in their minds but ambition. The portrayal of my favorite character--Mary and Anne's brother George--was too downplayed because the film was practically another story which just wore the same name as the novel. Cocky, dashing, reckless and misanthropic, he was the perfect courtier yet the imperfect man who paid a high price for his rebel to the life he did not choose to live, but the movie just made him a joker who had a few laughable facial expressions -_-
- Oct 02 Tue 2007 12:44

早算準了是部兩千萬人(剩餘的四百萬人是我亂猜測的under-age + elderly population)會去看的電影,
- May 25 Fri 2007 17:00

為什麼明明這個角色沒在打鬥時很娘 (ex. 蓮花指,如圖)
- Feb 22 Thu 2007 01:48
Letters From Iwo Jima
"Always do what is right, because it is the right thing to do."
- Aug 02 Wed 2006 00:58
老人與海的作者是海明"爺" XD
- Jul 04 Tue 2006 01:23
Because you're mine, I walk the line

You've got a way to keep me on your side
You give me cause for love that I can't hide
For you I know I'd even try to turn the tide
Because you're mine, I walk the line...
- Jun 01 Thu 2006 00:25
バガ が ぉまへ は。
(因為又是少數人看得懂的語言了,那我們就來延續"優良傳統"吧~XD 猜中者"有獎"。 )
Shinohara Ryoko,篠原涼子,是最近在日劇界急速竄紅的首席女演員,人氣不輸號稱日劇女王的松嶋菜菜子。之前在MSN上有提過的"熟女真命苦Anego",是她首度獨挑大樑的作品,卻將現代上班族女性經濟獨立的自信和苦無歸宿的憂慮表達的淋漓盡致,於是也一舉奪下了日劇的最高榮譽:年度學院賞最佳女主角。
- May 22 Mon 2006 20:32
So dark, the con of man
雖然我沒有把故事內容講出來,但如果你沒信心的話,仍請你不要看這篇,本人不願承擔spoiler的惡名 XD
- Feb 23 Thu 2006 01:06
butcher's hands, gentle souls.

"I have the most boring job in the world."
I am an undercover assassin.
My job is to kill the 11 Palestinian men who murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the '72 Munich Olympic Games.
I work for no one.
The government has no clue who I am.
I do not exist.
- Jan 21 Sat 2006 00:49
"I wish I knew how to quit you."

Go to sleep, may your dreams come true
Just lay back in my arms for one more night
I've this crazy old notion that calls me sometimes
Sayin' this one's the love of your life
To answer the question that's been swimming around everywhere:
no, it most certainly is NOT a gay film, so guys, quit your squirming.
Sexual orientations are not an agenda of this movie.
Unless of course you want the "western" image in your mind to remain macho and Clint Eastwood-like....
then I am in no position to force you to go see what awesome things Ang Lee did in the film...
he gave the world a surprise out of something so unexpected and uncompromising.
而其實這部作品從頭到尾只是要陳述 "一段平凡人之間無奈的愛情故事" 而已。
Cuz I know a love that will never grow old
and I know a love that will never grow cold
它不是vodka martini - 並沒有酸楚到讓你一抽搐就淚流不止;
但它的後勁比連灌五杯tequila shots還要強。
you don't have to BE Jack and Ennis to know what they experienced,
because it is something that anyone who's ever been in love will go through in similar ways.
- Jan 17 Tue 2006 00:03

因為我很犯賤的先瞄了影評 - 那些認為藝又是一部取寵嘩眾的好萊塢商業片的影評。)
而在受到後面很聒噪接手機又不停動來動去的情侶檔的干擾下(我連這都寫進來,可見我有多討厭看電影時有人講話,不管是不是跟我講,don't you ever just WATCH?! 我回頭瞪了好幾次還不知道要收斂...-_-)看完了以後,我覺得該被提名影后的,不應是章子怡,而是鞏俐。只被提名奧斯卡女配角真是太可惜了!
- Jan 11 Wed 2006 06:04
Cache - 所謂的社會正義,其實已成了公權暴力。

- Jan 09 Mon 2006 20:16
第63屆金球獎 電影類入圍名單
● 劇情類最佳影片-《斷背山》、《疑雲殺機》、《晚安,祝你好運》、《愛情決勝點》、《暴力效應》。
● 最佳導演-《斷背山》李安、《晚安,祝你好運》喬治克隆尼、《愛情決勝點》伍迪艾倫、《金剛》彼得傑克森、《疑雲殺機》佛南度梅瑞爾斯、《慕尼黑》史蒂芬史匹柏。
● 最佳劇本-《晚安,祝你好運》、《愛情決勝點》、《斷背山》、《慕尼黑》、《衝擊效應》Crash