目前分類:撕。一張日曆 (110)

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2001 | Robbie Williams【Sing When You're Winning】

As my soul heals the shame
I will grow through this pain
Lord I'm doing all I can
To be a better man...


I don't know if I will ever master the art of keeping my mouth shut before my brain processes the words I want to say aloud. I say "master", because while I understand fully that this must be done at all times, in the presence of enemies, casual acquaintances and close ones, but I forget more than I remember.

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其實已經好一陣子了, 右腳上有個地方偶爾都會有隱約的疼痛

我還以為是因為我有時候會把腿上偶爾會長得特別粗黑的腳毛拔掉, 然後事後沒好好做清潔造成皮膚發炎


而到了上禮拜, 我只要一翹起右腳, 那個地方就會開始刺痛


媽媽問是怎麼一回事, 我跟她講之後她說可能是血管堵住了, 要我把它推開

但是我實在是很怕痛 (這麼怕痛最好是以後能生小孩...), 所以媽媽就說她幫我推

沒想到, 才推了兩三下, 瘀血就出來了, 而且過幾天還越變越大

今天下午已經是這個樣子了... (不是很嚴重啦, 但怕的人不要看, 我不想為你晚上做惡夢負責)

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An incident 3 years ago that cost me a friendship I've yet to resolve with someone in Toronto taught me that there are some feelings you should just keep to yourself forever.


But now, I am tired of being nice. I am tired of being fun on the outside but empty on the inside. I am tired of hanging out with people who I can't really talk to because while I am a good listener, I don't know if they are.(<--this is the feeling I ought to keep to myself, but IT'S MY DAMN BLOG AND I CAN SAY WHAT I WANT TO)


Over lunch today, I accidentally blurted out  that I am tired of hanging out with my friends and that I don't feel inspired anymore, and a friend visiting from Vancouver said:
"That's good!" (which surprised me... but she probably knew that she wasn't a part of the "friends" I mentioned in that last sentence), and that I could be using my time more efficiently to do the things that "I" want in life. Like doing something that's fun and I've always wanted but would probably result in me spending ALL my savings, rather than going back to school for something that would help my career advancement but I know I would still feel empty after obtaining.


I shouldn't be sorry that I am not as ambitious as my friends in Shanghai or Taipei or London. Life is too short to be wasted on things that "society" views as success but not yourself.


Teacher said that my friends are my best assets in this life. Over these years, I've tried so hard to make as many friends as possible, much because I didn't want to end up like my parents who've lost almost any socializing ability because for them, nothing matters as much as family does. I'm sorry that family still isn't first for me, but maybe it's time that I left my friends for a while to dive down and focus on more important things. I'll know who my real friends are when I come back up and do a head count on who's still hanging around.

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每日一字:hat trick / 帽子戲法

(注釋引自Wikipedia) 在運動賽事中取得三個入球,或取得三連勝。(適用於足球及冰上曲棍球)



本日VIP是阿根廷隊的法裔小帥哥Gonzalo Higuaín (真的好小... 青春正盛的22歲耶), 因本屆足球先生Messi在南韓隊緊迫盯人無法突破重圍的情況下, 轉而打出十分漂亮的助攻, 讓守在球門前的Higuaín在10分鐘內連進兩球, 為本屆世足賽第一位Mr. Hatter (兩場賽事中進球三次), 大出鋒頭~~~




很多女孩子都是因為喜歡的男生, 才會跟著看運動比賽; 而這些女孩子中會之後自己追賽事的約佔30%

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verb  to give (something) over to the control or possession of another usually under duress








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Quoted fromurs21 - [預告] 2010/6/12 城市漫步:雙連中山設計趣

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2010. 01 | A-Lin【以前˙以後】





這城市哪裡夠隱密 藏住我突然想哭的情緒 

寧願失去鬥志勇氣 好過和你冷戰推擠

這樣 誰輸得起...」



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snow mountain


那天夏天, 我參加了遊學台灣的登山活動


我是和前同事Evelyn一起報名的, 差點因為重感冒而無法成行

不過我這人沒什麼優點就是很有guts和毅力, 硬ㄍㄧㄥ著登頂成功了 (但也斷了一顆牙齒 XD)

而我們在同一梯次的夥伴中, 有個長得痞痞的, 眼睛很小, 頭髮燙玉米鬚,

感覺不太正經 (哈) 的男生, 叫做狗威

他因為和同梯的另一女夥伴蠻牛同年同月同日生而一直被隊輔起鬨, 不過他已經有女朋友了

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Snatched this off a friend's note on Facebook. This will have to do for a year that I have no intention of reminiscing upon.



1. What did you do in 2009 that you'd never done before?
 1) went to Japan
 2) drank in a bar until 5am
 3) went to a concert of a legendary rock band, took off my 7cm boots before it started, and kept them off until the encores
 4) put on a NT$120,000 engagement ring

2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

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how could I be so stupid as to let that place--the place you booked to my preference over hers--become the venue of an anniversary for the BITCH that tore us apart?



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俗話說長痛不如短痛, 一年當中有三百六十五天, 老天爺選擇讓我在一月一日的破曉時刻體認到:



20100101 總統府升旗


國旗在我面前冉冉升起, 我卻如雷轟頂般的傻了, 原來我在過去一年中把自己作賤成這副德性。

戴著社交蝴蝶的面具在有點熟又不太熟的面孔間嬉鬧, 到頭來全只為了掩飾被寂寞吞噬的不安 。



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(沒關係  還有欠了更久的'07年12月亞錦賽@台中 也還沒寫 XD)









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"一個我相信用心會被感覺 一個我大喊真心會被欺騙
開始的熱烈 不停奉獻 後來剩決裂 謊言吞噬了心 帶來刺痛 撕裂的蛻變..."

2009. 6 | 張惠妹【阿密特】《 分生



現在卻連什麼都不講也被潑冷水!!! 是吃飽太閒嗎?!


maybe you've been too busy talking to the monkeys on your deserted island to notice,

but "knowing I can do nothing to help" WAS why I went quiet when I did



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it started out as helping a friend.

it was fun, most of the time... so I kept helping.  

most never knew that technically, I didn't belong.

"who cares about that?" you snorted; well... if I say yes to you, ppl will start to care.

"if you can't do it, I don't know who else can."

我的自以為是和責任感果真是太容易戳中的死穴啊  哈哈哈

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太晚看到了... 不然還挺想考考看



只是我應該到了第二階段(口譯)就會被刷掉吧 XD



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Tonight, I successfully put together a feast of 7 dishes with 2 bottles of Japanese sake that I picked out RANDOMLY and to my own surprise was really good and sent my coworkers home with their taste buds pampered and their stomachs satisfied. :D



菜單: 菠菜炒蛋, 泡菜炒豬肉, 炸雞軟骨, 煎餃, 豚骨拉麵, 秋刀魚烤明太子, 鱈魚奶油燒 (all proved to be a great fit to the sake I ordered!!)



酒單: 天之戶吟釀 (甜中帶嗆), 良志純米酒 (偏甜)


I spent about 5 mins staring at the fridge trying to decide over the 7 kinds of sakes... and when I finally made my 2 choices, the 老闆娘 took one look and said: 「お客さん、じょうずですね~ 」(日文: 您真內行) Waaaaaaah~~~ hey you, the guy who taught me how to pick out sake even if I knew nothing about it-- maybe I should call you 師父 now... hahahahaha!!


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Time: March 21, 3 AM
Place: Primo, Taipei


so the three of us came out of the nightclub, and between getting breaths of fresh air that we haven't had since 11PM, we were pondering on the idee of going to 永和豆漿 for late nite snack, when i noticed this guy standing about 10 feet away in a baseball cap, black rimmed glasses, t-shirt, and jogging pants, who looked oddly familiar... 


and then i saw them--2 small but unmistakable steel loops for earrings. no, he wasn't an aquaintance, but he was someone whose work i have admired for quite a while.


i nudged c. "look behind you," i said. "do you see that guy in the baseball cap? is he 范逸臣?"


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那也許只是極其短暫的兩情相悅,只是一種單戀,或只是一種只存在於虛幻空間。 一切看起來是那麼平靜,那麼和諧。 沒有驚天動地,沒有海誓山盟,沒有花前月下,沒有浪漫,沒有誓言,沒有溫度。水瓶座的理智和冷漠,注定了任何感情永無燃點。






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  • Sep 20 Sat 2008 01:59
  • .....







每一次您總是盛情款待,而當我說:「有我那天翻報紙又看到您寫的東西了」 ,

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When: about 9am today
Where: 前往金山的車上
Who: 雪山熱血青年團團長何狗威、號稱"雪山上的牛爾"的狗洋汎、溫哥華陽光男孩沈傑克、&在下我
What: 我正在對狗威和狗洋汎形容UBC校友06-07年玩樂首腦朱藍尼莫名奇妙極有異性緣...


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