昨晚八九點走在市民大道回家 (途中卻巧遇孫姐結果被抓去喝酒...) 的路上,突然想起這首歌。
2006. 5 | 范逸臣【不說出的溫柔】
昨晚八九點走在市民大道回家 (途中卻巧遇孫姐結果被抓去喝酒...) 的路上,突然想起這首歌。
2006. 5 | 范逸臣【不說出的溫柔】
In August '02, I was sitting in an air-conditioned studio, watching my boyfriend and his band struggle with this melody for over 20 minutes.
In February '09, this song came back to me in a MSN dialogue that got me through another night of OT.
Nowadays, it is one of the most-played songs on my MP3 as I count down the days to the embarkment of a new stage in my life--a stage that had been on idle mode for quite a while, until you came and jolted it into motion.
I was sitting at the sandwich bar where our friend was on her final shift, dining on a nicely tossed Greek salad, when this song came blasting out of the stereo (plugged to the iPod that belonged to one of the boys who worked there). I thought of you, and something you wrote me not long ago. You might like to refer to that as "meaninglessness", but I've worn it on my heart since.
"Discipline does not 'hang on the mouth'... sacrifices have to be made."
Both Sides Now
She insists that only music moves her, but A-MEI is a Taiwanese voice reverberating in China
All A-Mei wants to do is sing, sweetheart, use that smoke 'n' sugar voice of hers to deliver a tune. The Taiwanese pop star doesn't much care about lyrics, just the mood-ring colors her music conjures up. Today, sitting in a candle-filled studio in Taipei where she's recording her next album, A-Mei is straining for a color, and she has the precise shade in mind. The background music is low funk, and A-Mei hums her way up the spectrum, eyes closed, past turquoise, sapphire and lapis lazuli. No words, just a husky voice scatting along until it settles into the perfect note—a sultry, soulful shade you would see at midnight.
"Did I make you feel blue, baby?" A-Mei opens her round eyes and fixes them on her guitarist. "Because I want you to feel like you've been swallowed up by blueness." The guitarist assures A-Mei that he does indeed feel that particular shade, not least because he's been caught in the A-Mei vortex—a sexy, impish gaze that leaves men feeling, well, a little blushed. "Mission accomplished," she says, leaning forward to blow out a candle. "Tomorrow I want to sing red, the color of a cut when it first bleeds. And after that, green, like wet grass."
But music is not just an abstraction in A-Mei's world: it's one of the great uniters of China and the little renegade island it half despises and very much wants to absorb—A-Mei's native Taiwan. When a Taiwanese singer evolves into a pop star, his or her main audience is across the strait in megalopolises and villages throughout the vast mainland. Fame and popularity have proved that to A-Mei. What the 29-year-old singer has also learned is that what unites can divide, that her songs can acquire shades of meaning she never intends, that a mere song can hurt, alienate, maybe cause a war when, as W.H. Auden wrote, " ... each ear/ Is listening to its hearing, so none hear." "I just want to sing," says A-Mei. "But everyone keeps connecting my music to the future of Taiwan and China." And that's how it's going to be: music joins the sundered parts of Greater China. Someone—in this case A-Mei—has to sing the songs.
A-Mei was born in the rugged mountains of eastern Taiwan, as a tribal princess of the Puyuma clan of aborigines. Making up just 2% of the island's population, Taiwan's aborigines have been reduced to kitschy tribal song and dance at ethnic theme parks. City folk disparage them as drunks and hookers—the disenfranchised underbelly of Taiwan. But historically, the Puyuma have always used song to communicate their deepest feelings, and A-Mei sang the loudest of all, quickly rising from small-time ethnic performer to pop-chart diva for the entire Chinese-speaking world. Proud of her native roots, A-Mei incorporated tribal rhythms into some of her pop songs, like Sister, which celebrates the matriarchal aboriginal society.
昨天和蔡阿姨去The Wall聽法國文化協會主辦的「法蘭西˙浪漫˙新香頌之夜」
Coralie Clement & Berry--兩個據說在台灣小有名氣但我還真的沒聽說過的法國女歌手,
一個是氣音給你從頭吹到尾(容易令人誤會的說法但也是事實 XD),一個是法國版的Norah Jones
不過到後來我和蔡阿姨聽吉他手飆吉他的時間都比聽歌手唱歌還多 XD
「把你的不快樂賣給我 好不好?」
2009. 1 | 陳綺貞【太陽】
寫一首歌讓你帶回去 在我關上車門以後揮一揮手
這歌裡不想太多事情的意義 也沒有欲求成功的目的
只希望在穿梭的道路 閃躲之際
有一條簡單的旋律指引你專心 但並不企圖征服你
1999. 9 | 陶晶瑩【我變了】
以為年紀大了一點 臉皮就可以厚一些
遇到喜歡的你時 想不到仍然逃得遠遠
你好像對我笑了兩次 又偷偷看了我幾眼
我還是只能像個又酷又傲的淑女 假裝沒看見
沒幾個人(不論男女)會說Robbie Williams不性感
Me no bubbletious
Me smoke heavy tar
Me be groovin' slowly where you are
Notify your next of kin
'Cause you're never coming back
I've been dropping beats since Back in Black
I don't wanna talk
About the things we've gone through
Though it's hurting me
Now it's history
I've played all my cards
And that's what you've done too
地點是城市某個角落 時間在午夜時刻
無聊的人常在這裡出沒 交換一種寂寞
我靜靜坐在你的身後 你似乎只想沈默
我猜我們的愛情已到盡頭 無話可說
比爭吵更折磨 不如就分手
放我一個人生活 請你雙手不要再緊握
How come you never know what you got til it's gone
Too bad coz I never felt so good with anyone
太可惜了 因為我從沒和別人如此契合過
How fooled was I into thinking I was gonna be alright, okay, fine
我怎會如此愚笨 還以為自己還能一如往常 沒事 好好的過
So everyday I try a little harder to forget her
Lying here and convince myself that tomorrow will be better
(哪首歌? 請按左邊欄位"Put on that Music!"的play鍵!)
重點是~要先能待到一對一PK賽吧! XD
不想補充咖啡因 不想孤獨看電影
不想讓憂鬱喧嘩我的心 只想在人群中透明
午後一場雷陣雨 吵架後的西門町
這一次應該你真的生氣 否則不會掉頭離去
彩色的街頭裝不下 灰色的我
我的孤單 降落在那
寂寞唱片行裡 帶著耳機
我高中同學說我可以拿這首歌去錄demo了... @@
"CJ唱歌很像 ______ 哦~"
空格內的女歌手名字 從高中的張惠妹 到大學的蕭亞軒 到最近的江美琪
我的聲音根本就越來越低沉了嘛 XD (都是BSB和陶吉吉害的...)
對了 去年還有被同事的朋友說過像孫燕姿