Tonight, I successfully put together a feast of 7 dishes with 2 bottles of Japanese sake that I picked out RANDOMLY and to my own surprise was really good and sent my coworkers home with their taste buds pampered and their stomachs satisfied. :D
菜單: 菠菜炒蛋, 泡菜炒豬肉, 炸雞軟骨, 煎餃, 豚骨拉麵, 秋刀魚烤明太子, 鱈魚奶油燒 (all proved to be a great fit to the sake I ordered!!)
酒單: 天之戶吟釀 (甜中帶嗆), 良志純米酒 (偏甜)
I spent about 5 mins staring at the fridge trying to decide over the 7 kinds of sakes... and when I finally made my 2 choices, the 老闆娘 took one look and said: 「お客さん、じょうずですね~ 」(日文: 您真內行) Waaaaaaah~~~ hey you, the guy who taught me how to pick out sake even if I knew nothing about it-- maybe I should call you 師父 now... hahahahaha!!
飯飽酒足的同事很樂, 心情全寫在臉上。
夏天時再一起來吃烏龍冷麵吧!! 待ちきれないよ~
麵太郎居酒屋 林森店
OPEN/ 11:30 - 22:00
ADDRESS/ 台北市中山區林森北路126號 (八條通口)
PHONE/ (02)2571-3329