ex. gastown (話說我根本還沒看過傳說中的蒸氣鐘... ),
granville island, the parfait place on robson...
"but I thought you went shopping in downtown on boxing day??" you ask.
oh I did, but michelle and I never got beyond blenz coffee near the corner of robson and thurlow.
still pretty enjoyable though, coz i usually do shopping by myself,
but michelle is a great shopping buddy ^^
(altho i had to yank her away from pieces of clothing several times)
mom called in the morning, before michelle came to pick me up.
I said I don't feel like going back to tw. 她說:
yeah, like you won't come and drag me back if I really did...
上次說不想去開會也是,某 mr.sensible 就說:
"well why don't you just really not show up one time and see what will happen?"
but what would happen if I really didn't leave?
probably be detained by the immigration office now...:X)
anyways, we got to dt around 1,
with michelle's car reeking of Halls cough drops (ewwwww~ XD)
and the first store we "attacked" was HERMES --
to get a late xmas gift for the just-married anny tso
(a CAD$160 silk scarf it looked really nice tho)
ok, that was like maybe the THIRD time i've been in a brand name store in my entire life.
compared to next-door COACH, which had a lineup rounding the corner of burrard and heading up seymour (or richards?), HERMES and LV (across the street) were pathetically empty.
went to pacific centre, played around with eyeliner while michelle bought sandy's xmas gift (very cute lip gloss!) bought very cute, very CHEAP candycane-like top @Guess for self (clubbing outfit mission accomplished), 也吃了久違的路邊攤熱狗 (who cares about hygiene? it's good for the stomach! XD).
queued up for practically every store on robson from ZARA to Shoppers' Drug Mart...
只有 michelle 在 Armani Exchange 有所斬獲:
一件白色煙管褲 for CAD$20 (!!!) which I saw first! ><
I was more frustrated at how NONE of the banks were open on Boxing Day tho
luckily, michelle's bf suggested MoneyMart,
but by the time I finally got that out of the way it was already 4:45
(and extremely dark... I've forgotten how fast daylight fades in winter in Van @@)...
在「行前通知」中給的doorbell number (15) was erroneous,
導致Jack, Frank, Sandy, Devin和Elaine都不得其門而入,需要有人下去「帶位」。
(by the time Devin called, I was relieved that Sheena and I didn’t try to play smart and take the bus… :P)
“Yeah, you’re gonna be so famous in this building now; your neighbors will go, ‘oh~~~ so you’re Jeff, eh?’”
Frank and Jack got so immersed in NBA 2005 that everyone had
had a first helping of everything before the two players finally put down the controllers.
Forgot what the lot talked about but remember laughing like mad;
have not done 「小而美」(4~8 ppl) dinner gatherings for so long,
it’s always me alone, or me with “one” coworker
or ex-coworker or friend…
(yes, you all know who you are ><);
AND we don’t even know those in our company that well either —
ugh, definitely another reason for me to change jobs!
「憤」(?) 而離去後,有人開始覺得這似乎可以用來「整」那個還沒到的人。
Sandy told him to “stand 5 feet back from the answering machine
and do the 鹹蛋超人 pose,” which led to the eight of us cracking up
at a bewildered Bob who finally “passed” Sandy’s embarrassing task
and came in with a CHEESECAKE that we were simply too full (or
stomachs ached from laughing too much) to eat…
watched “Death Note” movie version (which I already saw
and decided to play dumb so I won’t spoil everyone’s enthusiasm…
but why were people all so hung up on the anime series?
Honestly, the comic books are sooooo much better ><).
Left at around 12 as several people were going to be driving long hours
and snowboarding the next day(說得一副事不關己的樣子 XD).
The host had said earlier that this night was a kind of “test run”
to see if his house was fit for holding similar 「小而美」 gatherings
in the future (since the location is sooooo convenient!)…
yeah there’ll probably be lots of partying to look forward to
when he finally does get a Wii — oh wait, maybe he won’t get a Wii now,
now that Frank has one and they live what,
15 minutes away from each other?!
more reason for a new Mac to arrive in that 「有點亂,不過身為男生很正常,
next on: 【snowboarding? 不如說是用滾的下山吧...】