(The New York Times)


Merrill Lynch was founded in 1914 and heralded the idea that everyone, not just the rich, should invest in the financial markets. That stance made Merrill not only one of the pillars of Wall Street, but a reputation as the stockbroker for Main Street as well. It survived wars and the Great Depression, but succumbed as an independent company to the mortgage meltdown that began in mid-2007. On Sept. 14, 2008, Merrill announced that it had agreed to be purchased by the Bank of America, rather than run the risk of being pulled under by turmoil surrounding the industry, as Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers had been.


Merrill's logo -- a bull -- had long symbolized the fundamental optimism of Wall Street, and its leaders had often been viewed as spokesman for the entire industry.


In recent years, Merrill had grown to be really two companies. One is a thriving wealth management company with $1.8 trillion of assets that is managed by the firm's army of 16,000 brokers plus a 49 percent interest in Black Rock, a fast growing asset management operation.

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  • Sep 20 Sat 2008 01:59
  • .....







每一次您總是盛情款待,而當我說:「有我那天翻報紙又看到您寫的東西了」 ,

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I don't wanna talk
About the things we've gone through
Though it's hurting me
Now it's history
I've played all my cards
And that's what you've done too

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X邀我是商會不是製版廠  最好是妳們一直三心二意一下改字一下換圖我可以馬上重新出一個版給妳看

沒弄過出版還敢說"這有什麼難的 不就跟word一樣replace就好了嘛" 


妳們到底要找來演講我管不著 all I need is a NAME that I can put in the programme

把我的電話轉到legal dept去是想幹嘛 妳以為光是他們背幾條法規出來就嚇得倒老娘嗎

new CEO還沒註冊不能讓金管會看到關我鳥事  等到十月也該公諸於世了吧

還搞到outgoing CEO親自打電話來"代為"道歉  妳們是白痴嗎?????

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When: about 9am today
Where: 前往金山的車上
Who: 雪山熱血青年團團長何狗威、號稱"雪山上的牛爾"的狗洋汎、溫哥華陽光男孩沈傑克、&在下我
What: 我正在對狗威和狗洋汎形容UBC校友06-07年玩樂首腦朱藍尼莫名奇妙極有異性緣...


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繼米姐上次的"跳蛋"暱稱後,每次她在MSN上出現任何帶有連續驚嘆號的暱稱我都會很期待有什麼事情即將引爆。 XD (標準的幸災樂禍+看好戲性格)

猴子王的"KSB = kill some b*tch"不是瞎猜,而是預言啊...

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elainie~I love you, Vancouver! said:
sorry about the bad grammar, I was a bit distressed on the trip

CJ~action junkie   阿彌陀佛 我不是土虱 我叫水蛙 我沒錢 (噹) said:
why were you distressed?? @@
elainie~I love you, Vancouver! says:
you know how important it is to have the RIGHT person to travel with?
not everyone is CJ =)

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