為了減少會浪費時間的禍根,我把我的 Facebook wall 移除了









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其實已經好一陣子了, 右腳上有個地方偶爾都會有隱約的疼痛

我還以為是因為我有時候會把腿上偶爾會長得特別粗黑的腳毛拔掉, 然後事後沒好好做清潔造成皮膚發炎


而到了上禮拜, 我只要一翹起右腳, 那個地方就會開始刺痛


媽媽問是怎麼一回事, 我跟她講之後她說可能是血管堵住了, 要我把它推開

但是我實在是很怕痛 (這麼怕痛最好是以後能生小孩...), 所以媽媽就說她幫我推

沒想到, 才推了兩三下, 瘀血就出來了, 而且過幾天還越變越大

今天下午已經是這個樣子了... (不是很嚴重啦, 但怕的人不要看, 我不想為你晚上做惡夢負責)

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An incident 3 years ago that cost me a friendship I've yet to resolve with someone in Toronto taught me that there are some feelings you should just keep to yourself forever.


But now, I am tired of being nice. I am tired of being fun on the outside but empty on the inside. I am tired of hanging out with people who I can't really talk to because while I am a good listener, I don't know if they are.(<--this is the feeling I ought to keep to myself, but IT'S MY DAMN BLOG AND I CAN SAY WHAT I WANT TO)


Over lunch today, I accidentally blurted out  that I am tired of hanging out with my friends and that I don't feel inspired anymore, and a friend visiting from Vancouver said:
"That's good!" (which surprised me... but she probably knew that she wasn't a part of the "friends" I mentioned in that last sentence), and that I could be using my time more efficiently to do the things that "I" want in life. Like doing something that's fun and I've always wanted but would probably result in me spending ALL my savings, rather than going back to school for something that would help my career advancement but I know I would still feel empty after obtaining.


I shouldn't be sorry that I am not as ambitious as my friends in Shanghai or Taipei or London. Life is too short to be wasted on things that "society" views as success but not yourself.


Teacher said that my friends are my best assets in this life. Over these years, I've tried so hard to make as many friends as possible, much because I didn't want to end up like my parents who've lost almost any socializing ability because for them, nothing matters as much as family does. I'm sorry that family still isn't first for me, but maybe it's time that I left my friends for a while to dive down and focus on more important things. I'll know who my real friends are when I come back up and do a head count on who's still hanging around.

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每日一字:hat trick / 帽子戲法

(注釋引自Wikipedia) 在運動賽事中取得三個入球,或取得三連勝。(適用於足球及冰上曲棍球)



本日VIP是阿根廷隊的法裔小帥哥Gonzalo Higuaín (真的好小... 青春正盛的22歲耶), 因本屆足球先生Messi在南韓隊緊迫盯人無法突破重圍的情況下, 轉而打出十分漂亮的助攻, 讓守在球門前的Higuaín在10分鐘內連進兩球, 為本屆世足賽第一位Mr. Hatter (兩場賽事中進球三次), 大出鋒頭~~~




很多女孩子都是因為喜歡的男生, 才會跟著看運動比賽; 而這些女孩子中會之後自己追賽事的約佔30%

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verb  to give (something) over to the control or possession of another usually under duress








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Quoted fromurs21 - [預告] 2010/6/12 城市漫步:雙連中山設計趣

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