(明明昨天才被同事一致肯定是"聰慧得體的好老婆"類型 = =)
去年因故錯過了某Halloween party
(而我根本就忘得一乾二淨!! @@)
therefore I am obliged to attend the same party this year (詳情: http://blog.roodo.com/lennychu)
and think of the most outrageous costume in order to win the $3,000 cash reward, but without sacrificing my impression...
"Because you're CJ!! The girl who just do it and surprises everyone!"
I hate it when there are expectations....-__-
let's see... the last Halloween I participated in I dressed up as a pirate,
which was definitely the most unorthodox character I have ever inpersonated,
but in the host's opinion is too unoriginal.
then the year before that, I was part of Charlie's Angels... also too 老梗, eh?
本來想扮"凡爾賽拜金女"的瑪麗皇后 因為光是有那套衣服肯定就會贏
可是那套衣服應該會比獎金還要貴吧.... not to mention I gotta find a wig...
not very economic
結果昨天晚上看了"扶桑花女孩"後 忽然一個絕妙的扮裝點子就浮現了!!!
(NO I am not going to dress up as a hula dancer,
Dave Lin did it much better last year than I ever would in my entire life XD)
of course that would mean I really need to lose a few more pounds in the coming 2 weeks...
大家請拭目以待囉~ :D
提示: 是某部很經典的電影(no more than 15 years old)中很經典的角色!!
("經典"的定義請以洪小D的思考模式去揣摩 XD
- Oct 06 Sat 2007 16:18
what are you gonna be for Halloween?