Is that really what you want to be bound to for the next 2 years that you are here?
Tell me, what do you see yourself getting out of it?
I know I'm being self-contradictory in telling you to stop before it gets worse when 2 or 3 months ago I was telling you to have faith.... but with different situations come different mindsets.
I was just reading a news article in China Times yesterday,
which said that the MT program you are in right now, has an acceptance rate of 1%.
And you got into that program by yourself!
When I realized that, I was so impressed by the fact that one of these MTs is my friend.
I hardly think the help you need (if you ever do need it) to be successful in society will come from CAN.
So why do you want to cater to him, and help "his group" find potential chess pieces career-wise?
So what, if he tells you "I knew you were just like all the others who gave up halfway"?
This is, after all, a "job" (and one with no pay, I don't think I need to remind you of that!)
And running away from a job is actually a lot easier than you think.
也許會恨你 我知道我的脾氣不是很好
也許不一定 我知道我還是一樣愛著你
打開一瓶紅色的酒 看著金魚游來游去
我沒有關係 你可以假裝沒事離開這裡
一切好安靜 我只是想把情緒好好壓抑
到底誰會先說再見 我知道我一定哭泣
說愛我 說愛我 難道你不再愛我
我的淚 滴下來 你從來不曾看過
為什麼 為什麼 愛情讓我變沉重 ("愛情"可以改成"CAN" )
沒有人 告訴我 原來不是我想像
不要回來 你已經自由了 我也已經自由了
I dare you, to sing this song in front of the one who put all these unnecessary burdens onto you,
on May 19, after it is all over.
Is that really what you want to be bound to for the next 2 years that you are here?
Tell me, what do you see yourself getting out of it?
I know I'm being self-contradictory in telling you to stop before it gets worse when 2 or 3 months ago I was telling you to have faith.... but with different situations come different mindsets.
I was just reading a news article in China Times yesterday,
which said that the MT program you are in right now, has an acceptance rate of 1%.
And you got into that program by yourself!
When I realized that, I was so impressed by the fact that one of these MTs is my friend.
I hardly think the help you need (if you ever do need it) to be successful in society will come from CAN.
So why do you want to cater to him, and help "his group" find potential chess pieces career-wise?
So what, if he tells you "I knew you were just like all the others who gave up halfway"?
This is, after all, a "job" (and one with no pay, I don't think I need to remind you of that!)
And running away from a job is actually a lot easier than you think.
也許會恨你 我知道我的脾氣不是很好
也許不一定 我知道我還是一樣愛著你
打開一瓶紅色的酒 看著金魚游來游去
我沒有關係 你可以假裝沒事離開這裡
一切好安靜 我只是想把情緒好好壓抑
到底誰會先說再見 我知道我一定哭泣
說愛我 說愛我 難道你不再愛我
我的淚 滴下來 你從來不曾看過
為什麼 為什麼 愛情讓我變沉重 ("愛情"可以改成"CAN" )
沒有人 告訴我 原來不是我想像
不要回來 你已經自由了 我也已經自由了
寫一封沒有地址的信 想寄到妳的心裡
告訴你漸漸變淡的愛 妳是否曾經注意
過去的美麗日子已經不再 我還在傻傻地找尋
也許妳想要說但說不出口 我知道妳想說
分手吧 我們分手吧 不要再騙我說你還愛著我
你我的夢 彼此的不同
分手吧 我們分手吧 不要再騙我說你還愛著我
你我的夢 彼此的不同
喔~我們 分手吧
I dare you, to sing this song in front of the one who put all these unnecessary burdens onto you,
on May 19, after it is all over.