I never thought somebody could be so selfish to the extent that everything and anything she says and does all comes down to one word -- conceited.
who would complain to someone about being stressed out coz the supervisor told her to double-check newbie reporters' stories, and then when the other person says: "well, with greater power comes greater responsibility," she retorts: "hey, I'm the one suffering here coz you left this department!"
who would think that being a foreign affairs reporter "and getting to know all the diplomats who will probably put Taiwan on the map once I become close friends with them" automatically makes her superior to everyone else?
who would assume that everyone in the office HAS to be nice to her ALL THE TIME, and when someone (like me) is in a bad mood and doesn't feel like talking (and I tell her that), she goes on MSN and tells everyone else that "CJ's so temperamental, why can't she leave her emotions at home?"
who would have private parcels sent to the workplace, and then get her coworkers to open them and tell her who they're from? does she honestly think that we would really think she didn't know who sent the parcels?
who would still ask for a "normal" vacation leave at an "un-normal" job,
and claim that the company owes it to her coz she's "the star reporter, and therefore she deserves to have a break" at the expense of everyone else?
behind that "傻大姊" personality that everyone thinks she has,
有一個心機重到不行的黑寡婦正一邊冷笑著, 一邊繼續織著她的陷阱
she thinks she has everyone fooled, but she can't fool me, and she knows this.
a few days ago, I walked out of a conversation right when she popped in the circle (which consisted of like 5 ppl)
and when another colleague asked me why I did that,
I said, "coz I don't want to listen to how Kobe Bryant betrayed her and made her interview look bad; I've been hearing it for the last 3 days and I think that's quite enough."
but now she goes out of her way to make me look bad.
she bothers me so that I can't get my work done as fast as I'd like,
(we have a small office; even though she and I are in different departments now, I sit like one "row" away from her.)
and then she gets off work when I'm still doing layout, she comes over and says, "aww~ these Macs really suck, don't they? you really should get yourself a MacBook, that way you might work faster~"
one of my friends heard about my dilemma at work, and she figures this coworker of mine is probably very insecure, and that's why all of her behavior is targeted towards getting other people's attention.
and because I don't give her my undivided attention, she classifies me as "an obstacle" that she needs to take out in order to be the "popular girl" in the office.
for God's sake! we're not in high school anymore, what's with the "I'm the queen here, and if you don't play by my rules, I'm gonna make you suffer so bad that you don't want to come in the office" business?
doesn't she have anything better to do?
Gosh, it's not my problem that I put on a serious face at work and go to the bar with other colleagues! You're the one who shrieks when you're around alcohol, why should we settle for something else just because you can't?
some office culture, huh?
- Sep 28 Thu 2006 11:40
pride and conceit were the original sins of man.