(The school I HOPE to get into by 2008 - Pratt Institute, Grad School of Communications Graphic Design, Brooklyn, New York)
I.Capacity (能力):
1.Lack of scalability (無法迅速有效地處理大量的件事)
2.Busy but little throughput (很忙但沒進度)
3.Crash under heavy load (做三件事就掛了)
4.ON-OFF throughput pattern (間歇性施功)
5.Brainless and muscleless (不會思考又沒行動力)
6.Blurred receiver and transmitter (聽不到也講不清重點)
7.Weak in analysis, organization, or creativity (缺乏分析力組織力創造力)
II.Attitudes (態度):
8.Little self-motivation (低度自我期許)
9.A vacation hen (不專心孵蛋的母雞)
10.Irregular life style (不規則生活型態)
11.Messy desktop (混亂的文件與桌面)
12.A slow coach (慢郎中)
13.No ideas, no comments, no nothing (腦子一片空白)
14.Unhealthy personality (不太健康的人格)
15.Too many personal affairs (太多雜事)
III.Disciplines (訓練):
16.Lack of intensive interaction (缺乏互動腦力激盪)
17.Pointless discussion (沒有抓住重點的無效討論)
18.Random walk, no roadmap (做事沒規劃)
19.Memoryless work planning (做了新的忘了原有的規劃)
20.Ignorance of details (輕忽細節)
21.Lack of professionalism (欠缺專業或嚴謹態度)
我具備了二分之一的條件... 我完啦 XDDDD
- Aug 20 Sun 2006 14:02
(轉錄) 做研究要避免的二十一件事