【"Mr. Sandy" -- Frank Chiu】
Pouring and gray. A lunch originally set for 4~6 ppl ended up with SIXTEEN in attendance (awwww~ I am loved or maybe the one loved is Sammi Sam, since the LUCKY JERK was flying out of rainy Vancouver into sunny Hawaii the next day!! how dare you sit next to me and whine: "but CJ you know I don't wanna go..." 讓我又想起前年暑假有個某D也一直唸著:"I really should go back to Vancouver..." 唉...女人唷~XDDD)
【Na and me】
【Jack, Brian and Ed... but they seem to be posing for another camera? 】
【Cindy and Eddo -- the newest TA couple 】
【Eric and Jeff】
小 艾坐在矮得旁邊讓我十分amused, especially when Eric displayed a shockingly extensive knowledge on cellphone functions and GIRLS' FASHION hmmm... 馬迷說我變漂亮了。 Sandy 打開了我手機上的錄影功能,錄了一段還滿爆笑的影片,可惜最後發現沒存檔。我 也只記得 Sheena 說了什麼不怕我把她家吃垮,然後矮得說住溫哥華哪裡不錯? 小艾叫我不要再到處講他修眉毛的事(我什麼也沒說好不好,明明都是你自己愛在別人面前問啊!),Devin 說如果我回台灣了他會很想我還會哭...LOL 馬迷說,晚上吃飯時要介紹她又「帥」又「單身」的堂哥給我「認識」。
【ewwww Sam!!! XD】 【Mommie! You actually enjoy that?】
Only when I got back to TW did I realize what Sandy did with my cellphone... and if I had known that I could actually transfer the data onto the computer, I would have done much more with it!!! 然後前幾天我們報社的攝影大哥居然跟我說我這支手機音響超好,我該去買個2G的記憶卡然後直接把它當mp3來用... okay, so I really don't know my phone that well XD
兩個女孩兒在滂沱大雨中來到了Richmond南邊的某住宅區 (唔,我覺得如果有人要綁架我的話綁到 Richmond 我絕對找不到回去的路...),Elainie的室友沒能來;不過我真的有點覺得她太依賴妳了。看了兩集 "結婚できない男",Elainie 一直說桑野信介跟矮得很像 不過後來證明陳矮得並不會在吃了高熱量的晚餐後放交響樂配牛奶 (Jeff's defense statement: "1. I don't consume high-calorie food often 2. I play music WHILE I eat ") 。
火雞大餐實在是太棒了!我把蔓越莓醬拿來跟馬鈴薯泥和在一起吃居然也如此美味,當下真的感動得要哭了。好 吧馬迷,我現在真的後悔沒跟妳堂哥多聊聊了;每年聖誕節都有那麼好吃的耶誕大餐的話誰不要?! LOL (蘇CJ,原來妳是這麼膚淺的女人) And Jaelynn would have just DIED (out of either satisfaction or envy XD) for that tiramisu!! 最近剛好拿到了一個從日本來的提拉米蘇recipe,yoshi~我來試試看能不能重現那天晚上的味道吧!
*Photos courtesy of Sam Lin*
upcoming: 【陳矮得家的門鈴到底是15號還是10號?!】