This has been the worst kind of communication I've ever experienced. I extend my good intentions in the sincerest, most straightforward way I know how with no hidden subtlety, no sarcasm, no chance of getting twisted... only to get poured cold water on in the reply. If you were still my coworker, I would march right to your cubicle and STRANGLE you. "It's funny how ppl just assume things.. you should know that bits of info here and there do not piece together to make an entire story." oh LOOK WHO'S TALKING!!! All I did was throw your own words right back at you, and what exactly are YOU assuming that I'm assuming here? Please enlighten me, coz your train of thought has now become too complicated for me to follow.
They ask me what has happened to you, why do you look so 'disspirited' was the term, I reply: I wouldn't know, he claims that he's just enjoying a break. But you don't look like the you that they remember, they pressed on; in that moment, I had a flashback of one of my text msgs to you to "get some rest, you don't look like yourself" and your reply had been, "exactly what am I supposed to look like?" Yesterday I heard for the 387th time "I truly think you must be the only person outside his family who can put up with his analness." (that comment was driven by a 3rd-party response to your "really I don't think you'll leave (my employer) soon") Of course, if I'd told you that, you'll just launch into some thorny defense and say "Don't flatter yourself.. do you really think you know me that well?! I have many stories that you don't know and for your own good I won't bore you with them blahblahblah" Yeah, I really must be too 'young', too 'inexperienced' to understand what's going on inside that 'old, washed-up' mind of yours.
"If I have ever done anything stupid to piss you off, just think of it as me being an idiot and I don't really mean to... and that goes for all future stupid things I may or may not do.. hopefully it's in the not section," you said 2 days before my birthday.
2 months ago, I was officially pissed off. 2 weeks ago, I was officially worried. 2 minutes ago, I officially decided to stop 'dictating your life', as you'd put it.
It's not up to me to save your life, and you certainly can seem to care less about all this blind worrying on my part, so to make both of us feel better, I'm gonna go concentrate on my life now.
Maybe you will give me a shout when you've found an exit to the fort you've been living in... but for now, I can't count on it. Either way, I'm sure that being so twisted, you can bend your way out of this.